by Kate Legere | Nov 20, 2019 | Texas Grand Ranch
Top Home Builders at Texas Grand Ranch Property owners are moving to Texas Grand Ranch, the fastest-selling acreage community in Texas, seeking more space, privacy and trees, and peace of mind knowing they are surrounded by thousands of acres of protected National...
by Kate Legere | Nov 20, 2019 | Texas Grand Ranch
Gary Sumner reflects on the success at Texas Grand Ranch Success is a relative term. To the families who own a Patten property, it means finally finding that missing piece to their lives they didn’t expect to ever find or think would be possible. To our sales team, it...
by Kate Legere | Nov 20, 2019 | Texas Grand Ranch
Listen up, Texas! Experts say, now is the time to buy. Forbes, the esteemed financial-focused magazine, is telling readers and anyone really with some savings to invest in oil. Now is the time. As the price of oil has plunged from $100 a barrel to $30, gasoline has...
by Kate Legere | Nov 20, 2019 | Texas Grand Ranch
There ain’t no rainstorm strong enough to keep you from getting to us, babe. From the littlest feet on up, Patten Companies had everyone covered with rain boots this past weekend, after all, we weren’t going to let a little rain stop us and YOU from seeing the...
by Kate Legere | Nov 20, 2019 | Texas Grand Ranch
Patten Companies hires locals first When working with a family company, inevitably, you too become a part of the family. We’ll call you in the middle of the night excited about a new idea, we’ll make you laugh when we tell you about our adventures in culinary...